Event Details
 Lucky Coupons prizes for Dec. 10th
  ~    24992
Those of you that are not current on how this works:
If you get a Lucky Coupon drop, put it in your WAREHOUSE.
Once a week, the SERVER draws a unique ID and awards the holder of that coupon a prize.
The coupons are as follows:
White = common
Yellow = uncommon
Blue = rare

This week, the prizes are as follows:
White winner = HP+2 (99) pots
Yellow winner = 100% Exp Scroll
Blue winner = 200% Exp Scroll
ONE winner per color of coupon. GOOD LUCK!!!!

p.s. You can't get coupons by sitting around in Nusa!!!!
Previous : 12-5 and 12-6
Next : Dec 7th 16:00 KILL MOBS EVENT

Time :
Date :
00:00 ~ 09:00(GMT)
Monday ~ Friday
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