Notice List.
 Weekend bonus hours 7/22 to 7/24
 7/22/2016 11:20:20 AM 32111
0000 - exp
0100 - skill
0200 - drop
0300 - exp
0400 -
0500 - exp
0600 - skill
0700 - drop
0800 - exp
0900 -
1000 - exp
1100 - skill
1200 - drop
1300 - exp
1400 -
1500 - exp
1600 - skill
1700 - drop
1800 - exp
1900 -
2000 - exp
2100 - skill
2200 - drop
2300 -
Previous : Special drops ending 7-22 7/15/2016
Next : New Exp Hours 9/5/2016 1

Time :
Date :
00:00 ~ 09:00(GMT)
Monday ~ Friday
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